Mind, mood and wellness
We partnered up with Fresh Minds for helping you to connect your dots across mind, mood and wellness.
Our qualified therapist firmly believe in equipping you with the know-how to figure out life's challenges.
Te Tumu Waiora
Te Tumu Waiora - te reo for ‘To head towards wellness’ is a new model of primary mental health and addictions care and support.
It aims to provide all New Zealanders experiencing mental distress or addiction challenges with access to convenient, high quality, integrated and person-centered care and support.

Here Toitū
Here Toitū is a joint service provided by ProCare and the Ministry for Social Development (MSD) to transform the care and experience for people with a health condition or disability that impacts their ability to find employment.
It is a FREE service for anyone who is on a medical benefit. Health Navigator's work in a general practice and work closely with whānau (clients) to ensure they are given the right support.
Quit Smoking
Ready Steady Quit has a team dedicated to helping you become smokefree.
Our programmes are designed for success with either one-to-one personalised help or regular group sessions with other people on a similar stop smoking journey.

Need to talk?
We run digital telehealth services like Whakarongorau Aotearoa, which offer free health, mental health and addictions support across digital channels.
Call or free text us on 1737 for free counselling services.
In partnership with Southern Cross, see a GP from the comfort of your home with CareHQ. Whether it’s medical advice, a script for your pharmacy, referral letters or health certificates for your job, our New Zealand registered GPs are here to help.

Triple P
Triple P is a world-acclaimed parenting programme that provides simple strategies for you and your family.
Our experienced psychologists offer New Zealanders a range of support programmes and solutions for families with ongoing parental issues to more complex challenges.
Ara Hauora
Ara Hauora is a family-centred initiative, where a team of Nurses and Health Coaches take mobile van services home to whānau who will benefit most through outreach. Support includes a wide range of services rather than being limited by time and/or a specific health issue.
This service is designed to work in partnership with ProCare’s general practices to identify and reduce barriers for whānau accessing their regular health and wellbeing services. The team will work with the whānau to address these barriers, and guide them back to their general practice.

Healthy Village Action Zone (HVAZ)
ProCare and ADHB co-fund 14 churches with a total of over 2000 members under the HVAZ programme in ADHB.
What makes Healthy Village Action Zone (HVAZ) unique is its integrated model of working with churches using community action and self-determination to deliver improvements in the health of Pacific families.
Key objectives include:
- Health promotion and education
- Link patients to their GPs
- Nutrition, fitness, weight loss and quit smoking