Celebrating Pacific Nursing Success at the MIT Pasifika Thanksgiving Celebration

Over the weekend we were proud to recognise Pacific Nurse graduates at the Manukau Institute of Technology Pasifika Thanksgiving Celebration.

ProCare sponsored the Top Pacific Nurse Award which was split into three categories – Leadership, Academic and Clinical Competency. A huge congratulations to our winners for 2024:

  • Leadership - Sione Posesi ‘Ulufonua
  • Clinical Excellence - Talaheu Vea
  • Clinical Excellence - Nellie Jean Pulefolau
  • Academic Excellence – Alex Luatutu Nanai

Each recipient has a unique journey to becoming a nurse. Read on for their stories:

Sione Posesi ‘Ulufonua – Leadership winner

Ethnicity: Tongan

Family background: I was born and raised in Ha’apai. My dad is from Lofanga, Ha’apai and Mum is from Lotofoa and Fangale’ounga, Ha’apai. I started primary school at GPS Pangai/Hihifo in 1979, and I immigrated to New Zealand in 1994. I am number 6 in 7 siblings.

Success/highlight of your studies: I am the first sibling in my family to graduate. I want to dedicate this to my Mum & Dad, I know you would have been so proud, and I miss you both (RIP).

Career pathway: I am currently a new grad nurse working at Auckland Hospital Emergency Department. My long-term plan is to be in a leadership position in healthcare, whether that’s in a hospital or community setting.

Words of encouragement for Pacific students: Dreams do come true, if you work hard and persevere.

Anything else you wish to add: Changing career midway through life can be tough but I can tell you, I do not regret it one iota.


Nellie Jean Pulefolau – Clinical Excellence winner

Ethnicity: Niuean

Family background: My mum was a solo parent who raised me and my three brothers. I also have a wonderful partner of 28 years who has supported me throughout the 3 years of nursing.

Success/highlight of your studies: Success is definitely completing my nursing studies and gaining a bachelor's degree. Greatest highlight is becoming not only the first to graduate but the first nurse in my family.

Career pathway: My short-term plan is completing my Nurse Entry to Practice (NETP), learn and upskill my experience in a medical centre. My long-term plan is to specialise in diabetes, an area that is much needed to support Pasifika and Māori people living with diabetes.

Words of encouragement for Pacific students: Remember your WHY! Why you are doing nursing, work hard, study hard and don't be whakama (embarrassed) to ask questions. "No question is a dumb question".

Anything else you wish to add: Thank you ProCare for this recognition, it is such an honour to be receiving one of your awards.


Talaheu Vea – Clinical Excellence winner

Ethnicity: Tongan

Family Background- My mother Mele Telua Taungahihifo Pifeleti came from Nomuka, Ha'apai, and Kolomotu'a Tongatapu, and my father Peauafi Pifeleti hails from Falevai Vava'u. In our family, I am the oldest of two children, and my brother 'Etivoni Pifeleti is married and has five kids. Mr Paula Vea, my husband, is from Muitoa, Ha'ano, Ha'asini, and Kolomotu'a. We are blessed with three boys. Older son Siosiua Mohelika Jr aged 18years old, Adrian Nafetalai aged 16years old, and Semisi Tau'ataina aged 9years old.

Highlight of my studies: I completed my high school education in Tonga, enrolled in the Queen Salote School of Nursing, and worked there for six years as a registered nurse before moving to New Zealand with my family. I have worked as a healthcare assistant for 13 years, and when my little boy becomes 5 years old, I plan to return to nursing. I started my Bachelor of Nursing Pacific programme at Manukau Institute of Technology in 2021, and I finished my nursing education in November 2023. My brother graduated last year with a Bachelor of Law from the University of South Pacific.

Career Pathway: At first I wanted to work in a general practitioner's clinic so I could drop my young son off to school. However, the NETP programme placed me in Middlemore Inpatient, which is where I started my career as a registered nurse.

Words of Encouragement for Pacific students: I am grateful to our heavenly father for giving me life so that I might carry on with my studies. Being a Pacific nursing student is a privilege for me, and I take great pride in demonstrating to my fellow students that I am from the island of Tonga and that I represent the Pacific. If we commit to something with all our heart and soul, and have faith that God will guide us wherever we go, I think anything is possible. We should always try to do our best and treat everyone with kindness, love, responsibility, and respect. Finally, some words that have helped me during these three years of study, Psalm chapter 23 - The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Maloo 'aupito moe 'ofa atu,

Talaheu Vea.


Alex Luatutu Nanai - Academic Excellence winner

Ethnicity: Samoan

Family background: I am from Sālua and Falelatai 

Success/highlight of your studies: I am the first to graduate with a bachelor’s degree out of my parents’ children. I took up nursing after my older brother passed away in 2019 from a cardiac arrest. I am 1 of 11 siblings and I was inspired by my brothers passing to make a difference in my aiga’s lives.

I wanted to inspire and motivate my son and all my nephews and nieces to aim higher and to break the chains of being just another number of statistical figures that end up working so much harder and not smarter. Watching my parents work hard to make ends meet motivated me to not only strive for excellence but to aim for success in all that I do. I plan to continue my studies in the near future after completing the NETP programme.

Career pathway: My long-term plan is to work in Palliative Care and specialise in pain management, however I must begin by completing the four foundations of palliative care before transitioning to such a specialised area of nursing.

Words of encouragement for Pacific students: To know the path ahead ask those who are coming back. Never cease to ask, never be too afraid to seek answers, and always keep your eyes fixed on the prize 🏆 

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