Why join the ProCare Network?
ProCare is a leading healthcare provider that aims to deliver the most progressive, pro-active and equitable health and wellbeing services in Aotearoa.
ProCare has a wealth of experience with delivering primary health care services, a strong understanding of funding and workforce management, along with hugely beneficial population health data.
By joining the ProCare Network, you can access this knowledge and experience, then utilise this within your own general practice.
Advocating for general practice
The size of the ProCare network means we are able to champion the voice of our healthcare teams, their patients and primary care in general. We have strong relationships with key decision-makers to ensure the voice of our network is heard.
We are committed to advocating on behalf of the network regarding issues such as workforce, funding and the proposed health sector reforms, all with the aim of ensuring the sustainability of quality primary care and achieving better health outcomes for patients.
In addition ProCare strives to find new funding streams which broaden the role of general practice, through collaboration with the wider health and social sectors, such as the Ministry of Social Development and ACC.

Helping create and support thriving practices
Offering support where we can allows practices to get the most out of their business while freeing up time to focus on their primary function - the health and wellbeing of patients.
As a member of the co-operative, there are a wide range of services, tools and programmes available to balance the challenges of delivering quality healthcare to your patients along with the running of a thriving and successful business.
Leading innovation in primary care
ProCare is dedicated to finding new ways of doing things that improve patient care. Through partnerships and collaboration we have delivered awarding winning innovations in primary care.
General practice referral to high tech imaging
In 2017 ProCare partnered with ACC and Mercy Radiology to pilot a new way of referring patients for MRI. The new pathway resulted in the upskilling and enabling of GPs to refer patients direct to MRI resulting in patients seeing a reduction in wait time of up to three weeks and a 50% increase in access for Māori and Pacific people aged 15 - 34 years.
ProCare and Mercy Radiology won the Innovation in service delivery award at the 2020 New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards for this work.
Ministry of Social Development
Here Toitū is a joint service provided by ProCare and the Ministry for Social Development (MSD) to transform care and experience for people with a health condition or disability that impacts their ability to find employment.
This free service places Health Navigator's into general practices to coach and support people so that they can improve their wellbeing and be supported towards economic independence.

Supporting practices to provide targeted healthcare
ProCare Health PHO supports practices in its Network to deliver health and wellbeing to patients.