Ayush Sharma (Co-Chair)
Ayush is currently studying a BHSc/LLB(Hons) at the University of Auckland. He is also a Mental Health and Disability Law Committee Student Representative at ADLS and a Submissions Sub-Committee Member for the New Zealand Law Student’s Association.
“For the youth advisory group to be most effective, it is crucial that it acts as a bridge between decision-makers and the array of young people disenfranchised from the status quo. I am most looking forward to ensuring that the knowledge and unique lived experiences of those young people are given a safe, supportive platform to engage in meaningful discussion and have this translated into positive, tangible change in youth health outcomes across Tāmaki Makaurau.”

Kahlia Pai
Kahlia is a Te Taonga Waka Ama winner, Blues Award recipient and Student contribution award winner.
“I’m looking forward to working along side ProCare as well as being the next generation’s voice to develop some new ideas that engage with our youth.”

Ken Tse
I am in my final year studying a Bachelor of Health Sciences/Laws Conjoint at the University of Auckland. In addition to my full-time studies, I also work 28 hours/week with the Faster Cancer Treatment Team at Auckland DHB, ensuring that patients with a high suspicion of (or confirmed) cancer receive their first treatment as soon as possible.

Leila Belt
"I am passionate about health and collectively improving the community by making health services more accessible. I am interested in pursuing a career in Health Sciences or Medicine, and eager to use my voice to promote inclusivity while advocating for youth in Tamaki Mākaurau."

Skyler Anderson
I am a Carmel College Year 12 student with a passion for health and I'm interested in pursuing a profession in psychology. I feel that the Youth Advisory Group will enable me to bring a positive change, particularly when it comes to young people's healthcare in New Zealand. I would like to use my platform to promote mental health and well-being among Aotearoa's youth.